I'll just start off by saying sorry Sam, for stealing your picture, I hope it's all good. I would have asked first but it's 12:43 a.m. so, y'know.
Well folks, that's all for now - Gender Bending Day started with our school principal going on the PA system and telling the teachers to relax on the dress code a bit for the day. Dear Media, I love you! This NEVER would have happened if Jo and Sara and I had not contacted the media and done all those interviews, raising awareness of the injustice we were handed by the school district on a national (maybe even an international) level. Once again, I do not regret any of the decisions we made because in the end they had a mostly positive impact - no students were discriminated against for crossdressing today.
And indeed, lots did dress up. I'm hoping to see more pictures posted on Facebook over the weekend. My thanks goes out to everybody who dressed up or showed support and respect to those who dressed up.
We might have lost this one to the school district, but it's only round one. Next year, we know exactly how to do things differently so that our week can go ahead as we originally intended it to. The school district also knows that certain GSA members will fight til the bitter end and are not afraid to kick up a fuss. The most important thing is we managed to start countless conversations about the issue of homophobia in our community, which is something rather new to Williams Lake. I think that is a huge victory in itself and we are definitely overshadowing the school district right now.
That being said, it's not like I hate the school district - I mean, sure, it's far from perfect and they kind of piss me off at times, but they're just trying to do their job, which is to keep parents happy. Parents have more power over schools than anybody else, because if they don't like something about a school they can just pull their kids out and take them somewhere else. If this happens enough times, that equals bad news for said school. I understand where people were coming from on the other side of the fence - I do not agree by any stretch, but I understand. Understanding of all parties' perspectives is the first step towards change.
Now it's almost 1 a.m. and I could reeeeally go for some vegan root soup from BoHo Grove. They should consider becoming a 24-hour establishment, you know. I guess I'm going to have to settle for whatever dinner leftovers are in my fridge, though...or just, you know, go to bed like normal people. Hm.
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